'Just remember that sometimes, the way you think about a person isn't the way they actually are' - John Green
The other day I found a photo of myself being used on a 'pro-ana' Instagram site.
At first, it upset me as it is all too often that my figure (and many other 'skinny' girls) are automatically associated with having an eating disorder (and I will disclose that I lived with an eating disorder for 13 years). To increase my upset, the photo had a text written on top of it with an 'anorexia tip' (advice to help, motivate and inspire others NOT to eat. A strategy to become or remain 'happily, unhealthy and underweight').
At first it was the fact that the user didn’t ask for my permission to use a photo of me to convey a message that completely opposes my beliefs. However, I then took a step back and looked at the bigger picture; realising this issue is far larger and deeper than just a photo of me. This is an issue that affects more than half of females in our society and I'm not just talking 'anorexia' necessarily, but eating disorders, mental health issues, self harm, low self esteem, low self confidence, self doubt and personal insecurities. In fact, mental health issues are one of the single biggest issues facing young Australians (as Ive discovered since moving here); as well as the rest of the world.
The following statistics were found on: http://www.headspace.org.au/about-headspace/what-we-do/why-headspace
- 75% of mental health problems emerge before the age of 25.
- High suicide rates in early to mid adulthood are related to untreated mental health problems in the late teenage and early adult years.
- Currently only one in four young people experiencing mental health problems actually receive professional help.
- Up to 50% of substance use problems are preceded by mental health issues in young people.
I want to say something so please listen and read, it's all I ask.
Girls, you are not 'fat', 'overweight', 'obese', 'chubby', 'ugly', 'too skinny', 'to thin','wrong', 'worthless' or 'useless'.
You are intricate, beautiful, intelligent creations which I wish you could see how much of a miracle it is that YOU exist.
You are NOT your weight, BMI, size or shape, and you are not a body who has a soul. You are a beautiful and amazing SOUL, who has a body. Your worth is not defined by your outward appearance, nor is your beauty. Know that reality is found in you, in your true being; your self.
Love your body, protect it, nurture it, cherish it, nourish it and most importantly, give it what it needs and what it deserves. Eat healthy and balanced because you love your body, not because you hate it.
The world is not perfect every day and we can not 'create; the perfect world. You are flawed. I am flawed. We are all flawed, but it is these flaws that make us the intricate human beings we are, both unique and beautiful. Just because we are flawed does not mean we can't be happy or accept, love and forgive for ourselves.
Be a happily flawed and have an incredible relationship with food and your own body, mind and soul. Our lives are far too precious and valuable and I want to be here for anyone who needs or wants it. I want YOU to be able to live an indescribably happy, balanced, and fulfilled, wholesome life, the life I know we can all achieve.